Tag Archives: Zoraida Cordova

Stumbling on Our Paths of Diversity

In obtaining some great collections of books from the Library of Congress Surplus Book Program, we stumbled upon some amazing discoveries that are new books to our collection: In Looking at Come On In, we found our invited authors from … Continue reading

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Leading the Walk of Discovery – Ellen Oh

Thursday’s 12:00 lunch speaker – Invigorating to say the least when opening the pages of a storyteller. Ellen Oh, the CEO of We need Diverse Books, was one of the best candidates to speak on the challenges facing all schools … Continue reading

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Authoring and “Rooting” to the Core of Our Being

Authors. ARCS. Building Worlds. None of these truly came to light or really hit home in importance to me in college. The biggest breakthrough was when I had taken a World Literature course – Dr. DiMarco, Slippery Rock University, and … Continue reading

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Oh Lord, a World Building Space Force at Woodbridge? It Happened?

That it did.  Tabitha Lord that is.  On May 7th Tabitha DID visit Delaware for the first time – and spent generous amounts of time at Greenwood Public Library‘s reading group, as well as an open night of discussion, adding … Continue reading

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Literarily Devoted…

Educator’s Night at Bethany Beach Books – when I first saw this I was like YES!  If you have ever been to Bethany Beach Books, at least for me I imagine the ideal location as well as ideal venue for … Continue reading

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IB Visual Art Show? Did you forget? Some pieces you can’t…

Sure, it has been several weeks since the IB Visual Show, however, the pieces represented – they linger long beyond the takedown of the whole exhibit.  Let’s take a look at some memorable second half exhibits. Natalia – Somehow I … Continue reading

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