The Riff emerging from Repentino..


It has been a TOUGH three years in coming back to transforming a lit magazine possibility from what was Repentino. to now the Riff, but wow!  The  glimmers of possibility we have seen- it is exciting!   Time, – It all takes time- So here we are during a pandemic:Sprout3a

Oh yes Delaware – we have been busy over the summer and began collecting some pieces of literature, writing, conferring with artists, and seeing art and poetry that will redefine who we are as The Riff Literary art magazine. Artist Salma worked her magic, brain trusts Syerra and Ashlynn churned out ideas, and a ton of our original virtual staff like Regan/Alastornia (and more!) came together, when so many have colliding viewpoints, and showed that something amazing can be turned out when you allow your mind to dream-

Have you gone to see Queena Joy Mast’s studio at Wilderlove in Greenwood? Some of the images she has captured, say Delaware without having to say a word…

Want to know a little more about our theme? Have something you feel falls in the below category? We hope to collect even more from around the globe – and hope you submit yours here:

Theme info:What a year this has been, wow. While we created this year’s theme as sprout you might ask, what is sprout? How can we connect it to all things artistic? Plants aren’t the only things that sprout. Every new life has its beginnings, and it is in these beginnings that the most pivotal moments are seen. Beginnings are where babies take their first steps and birds learn to fly. As our magazine takes its first breath, our staff looks forward to the growth of our own little sprout. We invite you to share with us what sprout means to you.

Now more than ever we see growth and strength in times of the Corona virus. We believe if you look close enough, you see growth occurring and we hope your submissions will help show the world where they can look to see so.

Based on the submissions we receive in art, writing, photography, ceramics, and MORE – (we want it all from you!) we will see if major pieces stand out and try to see what amazing theme emerges from the submissions we receive. We are excited to grow in diversity thanks to our national and global influences!

YOUR entry to submit your amazing contributions:

And let us know- what do you think of first when you see the below image? We’d like to know!



Commonalities.  Connections.  Identity.  It is difficult to see them but we have them from within our state to across the world.  We hope our WHS literary magazine The Riff will represent that. 

Let’s start with a community venture, our June 8th Festival.  By bringing together communities of artists found in art, running, walking, writing, music, gaming, food, outreach services, and more, we feel the art of community is built.  Sponsored by the Woodbridge High literary art magazine, we have the following:


Art Competition

Community Gaming Challenges

Community Vendors (Vendor application)

Delicious Food

Musical Stage Performances


20861087_10203631131775029_1613509309_oTraditions. Senior traditions. Always the chance to show expression and represent in many different ways. Repentino. had the chance to catch up to several ASF’ers and find out what a mural for the class of 2018 meant to them. What is a Mural anyway? By Webster’s Dictionary-

“Definition of mural
: of, relating to, or resembling a wall
2: applied to and made integral with a wall or ceiling surface” .   

20952105_10203643635087604_1325251628_oand the Class of 2018 defined it in their terms as ASF student Lisa states,

“We are hoping to start a new tradition in the ASF high school through the generation mural by having the entire senior class work together towards creating an art piece that will remain there for the rest of the year. It is made up of a stencil that says CLASS OF 2018 (it was not used at the end), and seniors will be able to paint and add their personal touch to the mural inside the letters. It will we located in the wall above the counseling windows facing the book store and measures about 6.6 meters long and 4-5 meters wide. It can be painted with spray paint or acrylic paint. We are hoping this can make the upcoming generations more united and replace some old harmful traditions.


For the interview that expounds on this original idea with the new 2018 ASF Class Mural!


2016 – 2017 in Perspective

Wow – it was a year to remember. Club of Clubs 2017

then being recognized as the top dog for PRESLM and high scores at CSPA in New York, wow.  

Hosting local artists at Authors Among US, the big alumni author Neal Schusterman, it was a year to remember and to build on in the 2017-2018 year!


GOOGLE EXPEDITION came to ASF – And Repentino. was there!   Thanks Center for Teaching Excellence for this Opportunity!  Check out the article !  

March 14 2016 Google Expedition

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More places to check out Google Expedition!


We are kicking off 2016 with being recognized with the status of excellent for NCTE,

as well as six different awards from CSPA – and 15 workshops presented at Columbia University this year!  WAY TO GO!

BUT – there is so much MORE!

February 24th approached quickly and why was that important?

Glad you asked!  Global Read Aloud Day – February 24th!  Don’t miss it – try to prepare ahead and join Repentino., the Upper School Library, and more to be involved!  We have registered as a staff to participate – and hope you can also be a part!

February 25th is an Open Mic Night, and we look foward to some acts that have never been attmpted yet – we’d love you there!   Also, here is a way to submit a potential act for that night! (Shoot to

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Cora Lauldato preparing to CREATE a masterpiece based on February 25th’s Open Mic

Stay tuned for MUCH MUCH more!


Screen Shot 2015-05-13 at 9.46.59 PMALL THING REPENTINO.!

You have come to the right place!  In discovering what Repentino. magszine is well that is a difficult pinpointing of info – We not only have developed from an art, to a literary publication, but to a community service supporter, as well as promoter of the arts from one side of the globe to another, as well as forums such as the one below as the PH- FEM discussion panel – which shows how diverse the arts are!

Our social media contacts:

We have begun a cool event such as Authors Among Us

and as we gear up for our 2015 Leadership Awards and intro to new members, we are seeing even deeper involvements in how we develop and represent the arts in Mexico and abroad!  Any questions of WHO we are or WHAT we are, please do not hesitate to contact us at as well as finding out how you can grab a past issue, as well as current issue of Repentino.!

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April 2015!

Staff at the PH-FEM Discussion Panel at ASF!   Repentino. Staff members among others attending this important event-Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 3.00.44 AM

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With 58 attendees and a powerful message, this was a once in a moment event!  Vital Voices as a major outlet for information, as well as the text The Confidence Code were all addressed!

Repentino. Staffer Alexa elaborates-

On the 14th of April, 2015, the group of young activists who form the PH-FEM Club at ASF hosted an event that had an importance that is not seen often in this school. This event consisted of a panel of seven women entrepreneurs, whose jobs and experiences ranged from a government worker to a miniature artisan or an athlete, and they gladly shared their experiences, advice, and goals to the audience. This gathering gave a strong message to all of the young and ambitious women in the audience, giving them hope and reinsuring that their dreams are valid, and what better way to prove this message than by having seven wonderful and successful women tell you about it.”

Discussion Panelists:

Patricia Larios

Adriana Labardini  -En México, la promoción y defensa de los derechos de los consumidores en el sector privado y el público, está a cargo de una sola agencia gubernamental que resulta insuficiente. Adriana Labardini fundó ALCONSUMIDOR, A.C. para crear una voz colectiva representativa de los consumidores mexicanos, introducir nuevas acciones jurídicas y reformar el campo de los derechos de los consumidores.

ALCONSUMIDOR, A.C. es la primera organización ciudadana en México enfocada en los derechos de los consumidores. Por medio de campañas informativas y educativas en medios de comunicación, modificaciones en la legislación, representación de los consumidores y asesoramiento a agencias gubernamentales, Adriana sienta las bases para una nueva cultura ética, solidaria y sostenible del consumidor mexicano.

Brenda Karen Montesinos Saldivar    Nombre de la empresaria: Quetzalli

Nombre de la empresa: Brenda Karen Montesinos Saldivar      Celular: 04455 47755317   mail:

Breve descripción del negocio:    Joyería artesanal en miniatura, con representaciones típicas mexicanas.

Sandra Morales  –“Over 10 years empowering brands around the globe, enabling them to speak heart-to-heart with their consumers. I’ve been a part of fabulous companies such as L’Oréal, Millward Brown, A.T. Kearney, Grupo Bimbo, and Grupo Expansion.

Having lived and worked in 7 countries, I’ve dealt with cultural exchange in cosmopolitan cities such as Paris, London, New York, Beijing, Sao Paulo, and Mexico City. Travel is part of my DNA and my life has been truly enriched by the 50 cultures I’ve had first-hand experience with.   I believe in empowering women in business, and leading the way by example.

Marketing, strategic planning, and consulting are what make up most of my background and is where my passion lies. And of course, innovation is always on my mind…”What’s next?” is my motto.”


Jenny Von Hernandez         Nombre de la empresaria: Lilithcup

Celular: 04455 39058464        E mail:

Breve descripción del negocio:     LILITHCUP es una copa menstrual que satisface una necesidad básica de la mujer; la higiene femenina, esta copa está elaborada de silicón grado médico, que es un material químicamente inerte, 100% hipoalergénico; por lo que no produce alergias. Al no contener geles absorbentes, desodorantes ni blanqueadores no interfiere con el proceso natural del cuerpo; respeta el PH vaginal  pues no reseca ni deja fibras, evitando infecciones.

Cathy Austin – Cathy Austin has spent over thirty years developing a diverse but rich professional profile. She spent the eighties in marketing and strategic planning for consumer products and financial services in Mexico, at The Coca-Cola Company and at American Express; the nineties in government as Advisor to the Secretary of Commerce of Mexico, and in Management Consulting as an independent consultant for Cervecería Modelo in Asia, and at AT Kearney servicing both multi-national companies and government accounts in marketing, planning and organizational development.

In 2002 she founded a consulting firm dedicated to driving the use of technology in education which between 2004-2006, coordinated the presidential initiative Enciclomedia, taking technology to 145,000 classrooms around Mexico. Since she has been Education Program Lead at Microsoft and currently is part of Inoma, a game based learning NGO which today brings videogames to over 200,000 users to practice math, science, music, and others.

A graduate of Boston University, with a Master Degree from ITAM in International Management and a Masters in Contemporary Art from Casa Lamm, Cathy has pursued a variety of interest in and out of her professional endeavors. She has served on numerous boards such as: Fundación Quiera and Casa Alianza, both dedicated to the attention of street children; The American School Foundation; Universidad Iberoamericana School of Business; Espacios Naturales, a non-governmental organization dedicated to environmental restoration and conservation, and Circle K, a nationwide chain of convenience stores.

She served as Vice President of the Mexican chapter of the International Women’s Forum, Treasurer of PEN Mexico, and is currently a member of the Strategic Planning and Quality Committees of the American British Cowdray Hospital in Mexico.

She is married to Karel van Laack and has two children who graduated from the American School Foundation.


Alicia Lebrija is the Director of Fundación Televisa and was the former Director of Education at the very foundation. She has over 10 years assuming the challenge of implementing educational programs to benefit students and teachers of public schools in the use of technology, promoting values, teacher training, scholarships for youth programs, and social awareness campaigns. She is also founder of Mexicanos Primero, a citizens’ initiative that seeks to promote a transformation of the Mexican educational system. Prior to joining Fundación Televisa, she was the director  for International Relations and Director of School Control at the ITAM where she taught economics and finance. She participates as a counselor in various civil society organizations. She studied Economics at the ITAM and a has master’s degree in Law and Diplomacy at Fletcher School of Tufts University.

Related Links:         Las 50 mujeres más poderosas de México


Focus Article!Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 2.29.39 AM

March 2015!

Workshop Moving up – March 19, 2015 9:00 at CSPA

Awards! Silver, Gold, and PRESLM Awards this year!


January 2015  –

Repentino. Achieves Gold! letter from CSPA.

Repentino. period article from 2014 WINTER Focus magazine,

Common Core and Repentino. ,

and Repentino. at Tumblr to submit your work until February 14, 2015!

AASSA Newsletter – Checkout page 35!


June 5 2014!

Thanks to the energetic, creative, and talented staff of Repentino., on June 5th  we started a new outreach to display the amazing art and submissions that many do not know exist at our new blog for celebrating all the submissions we receive!  You see the magazine is one outlet, but publicizing the amazing works that do not fit a theme we choose for a certain year does not mean that the submissions we receive won;t touch your artistic psyche – and they do!  We hope you do not hesitate to see the ever increasing number of artists added to Repentinoland that will be added – we know you have too since the first few days have averaged visitors in the triple digits – THANK YOU for making this a success!

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It is true that motivated and self-starting individuals make Repentino. what it is, and without the reviewers of literature and artists we have that do things on their own, without being asked, Repentino. would NOT be Repentino.!  We realize that the real world does not stop and ask you to do thing to get ahead, and we see young staff learning this and being able to far exceed those that are stuck on waiting mode fro instructions, this is the reality of the world and Repentino..  These are the people we look for to represent the best in represent artistic expression from around the world!  🙂

~ May 20, 2014

Repentino leadership Awards
May 20, 2014, Repentino. recognized leaders of Repentino. doing above and beyond the norm, as well as receiving Most Dedicated Club in the 2013-2014 school year.  THis was really owned by the staff you broke new ground and territory in the third edition of the Repentino., and when you see the new issue, you will know, whoa – what planet did these young innovators come from!  Congrats!  We look forward to the many amazing things to come in 2014-2015!

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2013!  ALREADY!  Here we are in the throes of pushing out the 2012-2013 magazine, regrouping with a staff of over 50 from 12 last year, and adjusting with the changes Repentino. needs and looks for in the 21st Century!  Amazing staff using social media as a medium to get the message of art as a tool for creativity, just to begin to see the effects of this project-based effort called…yep!  Repentino.!  (I love that we add a period at the end of the title LOVE, not sure why, but LOVE!)

We have various ways to reach us and keep abreast of the past events and upcoming such as the Open Mic Nights we hold, the Gala we held in September, and more upcoming events as well! Recently we interviewed author Adi Alsaid, illustrator Eko Taibo II from his latest illustrated book Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 4.35.55 AMand today, Thursday, October 24th, we are interviewing

Ms. Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, that has interned at The New Yorker and author in The Atlantic and has info on New York internships, does it get better than Repentino.?  We don’t think so….:)

If you know someone that could afford to spread their artistic wings, please refer them to our Tumblr page or check out our Facebook site

under the name, Tumblr! We’d love to see international art through artistic eyes at ASF, adults, young teens, children, EVERYONE!


Then there is the matter of preorder your 2013-2014 Repentino. before orders run dry!

Preorder form

To save costs, we’re printing a limited number of Repentino. dictated by how many preorder.  Don’t be left out in the artistic desert, order your Repentino. today!

Past Open Mic Night Gallery!

Scenes from January 2013

Scenes from January 2013 Open Mics

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