What Comes from a Wedding?

Adam, Amanda, Jeff, (now Jacinda!), Mackenzie, Madison and Morgan,

While it is the case that weddings are public, but also private, it was an honor to be considered a guest at Jacinda and Adam’s wedding, there is so much that all of your family should celebrate that so many people could benefit from – I just wanted to remind you publicly.

It is usually my style in writing anything to individually pull out individual characteristics and list them, as a family, in this case the qualities you have grown into, together, are the reasons you should always be content with your lives and I am so very proud and honored to be connected with your family as far as I can remember.

It is awesome to see you individually, to have found what you do know works for you that makes you happy, and what doesn’t. I have said this before, but it is absolutely necessary to your happiness to know independently, you can make your life be the best it can be, the happiest it can be, not needing to rely on anyone else for that happiness, but to know, in the right time, in the right moment, there is a possibility of someone else that could enhance that happiness, but is not necessary for your own personal happiness.

Each of you, (now one married!) and those not, single or not, have such beautiful, strong personalities that should never, ever, be hidden in the shadow of someone else. The unique characteristics that each of you have grown into, is one of the aspects I have loved knowing about each of you growing up. As you have come to know, the chance to NOT push your families aside in light of any relationship you are luckily enough to discover, is a chance that is priceless – especially in moments like yesterday’s wedding. Please never let anyone define you more than the talents and personalities to bring to any relationship. Despite the pain and heartache that comes with relationships, please never let anyone hide the very awesome personality traits that make you each you. Each of you are unique and so strong in who you are, it is my bragging right all the time to tell others I know you because of who each of you are.

Never ever feel forced into doing something as a career and having to know that path i for sure, 100% at any given moment in time. I say this because life changes so much in the opportunities to present you you. Never also let anyone impact your opinion of what you are doing or want to do at any given moment. Changing your mind of your interests and career as you go along is never a problem, as long as you always never let what you are interested in to be part of what you choose. Each of you are so incredibly intelligent, confident and capable. Make sure that is a part of the equation when you dream and work, and despite your doubts, you will never need to worry about providing for yourself, even though it might not be clear at the moment. It will appear as long as you stay true to yourself and be patient. (And lean on each other and friends to get you there).

The one single thing you have continued to teach me and have taught me, is home is where each of you are. You have always welcomed me into your spaces when I have trekked back to Pennsylvania seeing you grown up from little to the adult you are and now have become. It has always let me redefine what and where home can be, and you have always help keep Pennsylvania as my home in a variety of ways. It is obvious you build your home around you as well with the people you keep around you. Each of you have the great talent of keeping some of the very best friends and family around you, keep that always.

It is so typical to make the decision to work harder than the person next to you. My Dad perfected that and passed that on to me silently often, and at times I always have felt compelled to match that ethic. However, I also realized how more importantly it is to work hard for each other as family – MOST important. Never hesitate to ask me if I can help, as well as others that are in positions of experience or have connections to help you achieve your dreams. You have earned that right for the hurdles that you have pushed through and came through the other side, so never hesitate to ask those that could help. I never doubted having one of the largest families and have realized the importance of “hurrying up” in taking care of my financial stability so i can have more time to spend with my family- moments that are priceless.

Of all the most interesting characteristics I have noticed in anyone, I have seen people changed from selfless to selfish along the path they have made to build their life around them. What I admire about each of you is despite the hard situations that have been placed at your feet, each of you have found a way forward, yet have kept the selfless and pure heart to help others without thinking at a moment’s notice. I have met so many people lose themself and become so full of themselves with their accomplishments and a ” I so deserve this!” attitude, it often steals a little of how they define themselves. Each of you 100% deserve all the success and happiness you have found and will find, and yet the way you care for others has always defined you. That is what I absolutely love about each of you.

There is so much more I can say but in seeing each of you at Jacinda and Adam’s wedding, the overall energy, optimism, and just desire to be happy is what always makes the drive anytime to see you and just hang with each of you worth it. I cannot tell you enough what an amazing gift it has been to see each of you progress, grown and navigate the path you are on. Honestly, it is one of the best gifts I have ever been given, so thank you for always thinking of my in an amazing life each of you continue to design. I have said it many times before but, I am so incredibly proud of each of you – SO proud. NEVER hesitate to ask me for anyway I can help you into anything you could use help with. Anytime. And please find the time to visit Delaware when you can as you always are welcome, always.

Rachelle, doesn’t it seem like yesterday we we were navigating the route to Slippery Rock University in that Ford Ranger? It goes without saying from the doubts you had then as a student to parent to now proud Mama, it has been an honor to be your friend and be included in so many of your experiences. Your doubts of being a good parent, well you can wash them away, I never doubted any of your spirit to pass on the sentiments of selflessness, generosity, hard work for family, as well as being true to yourself and others. Your family exudes this every quality. It is so awesome having the chance to meet all your friends and family, and thanks so much for always including me.

Joe, wow. Just WOW. Your achievements and support for such a beautiful family often are not voiced enough but what is great, usually no words are needed when anyone meets your family. From the smiles, confidence, and good natured-ness you feel instantly when your family is together, it speaks volumes. Thank you for always being the backbone of family for your family and all of you who I consider my dearest friends. Going the distance for your family has had the ultimate payback, and is evident in the smiles, laughter, and actions of your family. It is just reward for any obstacles that you and your family have all overcome.

Thank you so so much for thinking of me, because honestly, your family has done way more for me than I feel I have done for your family – but I am grateful for you sharing your life with me 🙂 I purposely took no pictures of all of use together as I wanted to share this day in talking with you and just asking each of you how you have been and asking what is ahead, and enjoying your success. However, we will need to make a point to try and get a picture together in the future. Congratulations Adam and Jacinda to so much, and congratulations to each of you as a family!

About Harry Brake

Employee of Woodbridge High School, Library Media Specialist, Media crazy! :)
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